Lazy dogs simply don't exist

Author picture Pawshake

We humans are masters in the art of laziness: sometimes we don't even feel like getting out of bed, let alone tackling our busy day ahead. Dogs however are completely different. Although they need plenty of rest and adore snoozing on the sofa, the word 'lazy' just isn't in their vocabulary. Which is strange, because sometimes the very opposite appears to be true.

All dogs enjoy walking, sniffing and playing outside. Naturally, energy levels differ between breeds and different age groups. A dog can sleep an average of 14 to 18 hours per day: puppies even longer! Nevertheless, man's best friend could hardly be described as lazy. So, why does your pooch sometimes behave like such a couch potato?

Unlike humans, dogs don't complain! This can mean we tend to overlook when they're in pain, discomfort or feeling anxious. Yet, your fur baby will try to let you know in his or her own doggy way by whining, panting, yawning, licking lips or other stress signals. As ALL dogs love nothing more than a walk outside for a good old snuffle around, there's definitely something amiss if yours doesn't feel like it. And, it's your job as owner or pet sitter to figure out exactly what's wrong. Below are a few possibilities:

Your dog is in pain
Is your dog listless and not displaying their usual enthusiasm for walkies? Then it's possible they might be in pain. Dogs are unable to say 'ouch!' or tell you how they're feeling, so you might not even be aware that your furry friend has chronic joint or muscle pain, for example.  But walking, playing and running is definitely no fun for a dog that's hurting! Unfortunately, many dogs in Australia suffer from undetected pain. So, always look closely for behavioural changes or signs that might suggest that your pooch is in physical discomfort. A visit to the veterinarian will eliminate any doubt and, thankfully, many problems can be solved with nutrition, medication or physical therapy.

Your dog is scared
You take your dog outside, but he or she doesn't want to come when called. "Fido, Fiiiiiido, come on!' But Fido is rooted firmly to the spot. You think 'hey, what's the problem? Just come here', but Fido has seen something scary. Perhaps it's another dog, a group of people, a cyclist or something else that might be frightening to a dog. Observe his or her body language: the position of the tail and ears, his or her entire demeanour. Are they looking away indifferently, trying to appear smaller, is their fur standing on end, are they panting or yawning, or are their ears flattened backwards? These are all stress signals that say - 'I want out of this situation as quickly as possible!'. Your dog is not lazy, but scared. Rather than shouting, calm your dog down and be reassuring: after all, you don't want your dog to come purely out of fear of reprimand, but rather because they want to, right?

Is your dog yawning because they're tired, or a bit stressed?

Your dog is feeling down
'My dog doesn't like going for walks and prefers lazing around'. Or 'my dog is perfectly happy at home - they just curl up and go to sleep.' Many people believe that their dog is lazy because he or she seems lethargic and inactive. But cause and effect are often confused. By nature, dogs love going outside and exploring. If a dog spends a lot of time at home alone, he or she will inevitably feel down. Yes, dogs do get depressed like we humans! A dog that's not sufficiently stimulated will withdraw and become listless. They might spend their days sleeping because there's literally nothing else to do: no one wants to take them for a walk or play with them. Do you suspect that your dog is feeling a little down? Then gently introduce them to more activity: take your dog for more walks and try varying your route so that he or she can explore new scents. Provide your dog with plenty of entertainment and playtime, and you'll soon find your faithful friend back to their happy old self.

Your dog is overweight
Yep, dogs can become overweight, just like we humans can. An overweight dog will have difficulty moving around, running and playing (they might want to, but won't quite be able to manage it!). If you're not careful, your once fit and energetic dog will become slow and lethargic, resulting in them piling on even more unwelcome kilos which will make it even harder to lose any weight. But how can you tell if your dog is overweight? A good guide for a healthy weight is: you should easily be able to feel, (but not see) your dog's ribcage, and they should have a nice trim belly. Is your dog getting a little too chubby? Then adjust the quantity of food you're feeding to them. You'll actually be doing your dog a massive favour! And, take them on as many walks and play as much as possible. By doing this, your lively and active companion will soon resurface.

A healthy, happy dog loves going on adventures and enjoying a good old sniff around

Of course, not all dogs are natural born athletes. Some breeds are less physically active than others and older dogs are usually more tranquil. But a healthy, happy dog is always enthusiastic, alert and most definitely up for walkies. Does your dog (or the dog that you're currently pet sitting) seem 'lazy'? Then listen to what they're trying to tell you and look for the root cause. As soon as you begin tackling that, you'll see what a naturally cheerful and inquisitive animal your four legged friend really is.