
Friendly and responsible pet sitter for your fur babies!

3 times favorited
Usually responds within one hour
11w ago
Last activity
Response time
One home visit a day
Min. 30-minute visits in your home
30 AUD
All services and rates

About Melanie

I love animals (golden retriever and Burmese cat owner previousl) and treat them as my own. I raised my golden retriever from a puppy until she passed away at 16. I've been wanting to get another dog but because I work and travel occassionally, I'm not in a position to be a full time pet owner, but would love to get my fix of furry love by looking after your pet. I've got a 6 year old son who's great with animals too and is keen to help out! We live on a quiet leafy street with lots of great walks near us to the beach and nearby walks for pets so we'll be sure to bring your dog on lots of fun walks or give your cat lots of cuddles at home. I work from home 2 days a week and on weekends we are around. Very responsible and respectful of owner's instructions. Our house is a two bedroom ground floor apartment with courtyard with high fences. My motivation to be a pet sitter is that I love animals and would love to help out whilst earning a bit of money.

Melanie's services

At the sitter's home

Doggy Day Care
Daytime care for your dog at the sitter's home.
30 AUD for each additional pet
45 AUD
Dog Boarding
Overnight stay at the sitter's home
30 AUD for each additional pet
50 AUD

At your home

Dog Walking
An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walk
4 AUD for each additional pet
30 AUD
One home visit a day
Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your pet
30 AUD

Melanie also offers

Pick up / drop off

Cancellation policy: Flexible

Full refund if canceled before 12:00 p.m. one day before the booking, 50% refund afterward.

No refund is payable if the booking is canceled on or after the start date.

Note: All times are based on the sitter’s time zone


Profile accuracy
Treatment of animals
Doggy Day Care
Christine, 2024-06-23

Melanie was so wonderful with Tilley on unfortunately a very wet day.

I highly recommend her.


About Melanie's Home

Accepted pets

< 1 year
Dog sizes
0-40 kg
Dog ages
0-20 years
all kinds
all kinds
Small animals
rodents, rabbits, ...

Melanie's home

An apartment
A medium outdoor area
Has kids younger than ten
24/7 supervision
A fully fenced backyard

Walking areas

Nearby off-leash dog area
Urban, Beach & City park


Specific Skills

I speak English & Spanish
< 5 years of experience
Familiar with dog training techniques


Phone interviewed


Friendly and responsible pet sitter for your fur babies!

One home visit a day
Min. 30-minute visits in your home
30 AUD
All services and rates
Contact Melanie

Cancellation policy: Flexible

Full refund if canceled before 12:00 p.m. one day before the booking, 50% refund afterward.

No refund is payable if the booking is canceled on or after the start date.

Note: All times are based on the sitter’s time zone

Book via Pawshake to enjoy The Pawshake Guarantee, in-house customer support, booking guarantee, safe cashless payments, no booking fees, no change fees, daily updates and more!

Contact Melanie