Have peace of mind while your away. I'm a mature lady who enjoys the company of cats, I've 2 of my own, Tigger and Indie. I'm happy to come to your home for either a daily visit or twice a day to look after and care for your cats. While your away you can have that peace of mind that your cats are being well loved and cared for in their familiar surroundings. I'm new to looking after other people's cats, but have many years of caring for my own cats. I'm a retired nurse looking for a new venture doing something I enjoy. Who doesn't love a kitty cuddle. I'll meet with you prior to you going away to ensure I can maintain your cat's routine, and to get an idea of their personality, I'll send some photos of your cats while your away so you see they are happy and being well cared for. I can water any plants and bring in the mail. I expect to stay about 30 mins for each visit.