Love dogs, they just give happiness
About Michela
Hello, I'm an Italian girl, I've been living in Australia for 6 years and for the last two I've been in Perth. I live in Inallo, I would love to have a dog walking around the house but unfortunately I'm fifo so I can't have one. I love going for walks and I love dogs, so why not putting the two things together, I enjoy playing and spending time with them, I just think dogs give that unconditional love that everyone deserves. I've got a pure breed pitbull back home and I went for a training with him, despite what people say and think about that breed he is my little baby and if you treat them right they are awesome. I've grew up with dogs and I was a dog sitter back in Italy in my spare time and I would like to do the same when I'm back to civilisation from the mine site, let's do it ☺️